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La Vie en Rose

Updated: Aug 29, 2021

- translated means "life in pink", "La vie en rose" seeing life through rose-coloured glasses. Living with an attitude or outlook of positivity, trying to see beauty in the everyday; like falling in Love.

Sometimes we need a little help to feel positive when we don't and when affirmations seem empty and pointless, the humble yet beautiful rose and her aroma can help, just smelling a rose can lift your spirit thats why I always stop and smell the roes's.

The use of the rose in beauty dates back to Eygpt and to a bathing Cleopatra it is said that she even soaked the sails of her ship in rose petals so that she could be surrounded by their aroma. Over in France empress Joséphine collected and cultivated every known rose variety at her garden at Château de Malmaison, near Paris.

It is said that smell is our strongest sense, when we smell we are instantly transported to a feeling, a memory, the present moment.

The smell of a rose can be a powerful mood enhancer, helping relieve feelings of anxiety and promote healthy well-being and relaxation. A study showed the smell of roses reduces both breathing rate and blood pressure.

The properties of pure rose oil and rose water can help with ageing skin, keeping fine lines & wrinkles at bay.

Rosewater helps by maintaining the skin's pH balance, & also controls excess oil, as well as being anti-inflammatory reduce redness of the irritated skin, helps hydrate, revitalize and moisturize the skin, with antibacterial properties, rose water also aids in healing scars, cuts, and wounds. Rose water is an antioxidant helping to strengthen skin cells and regenerate skin tissues. The astringent properties of rose water clean pores and tones the skin.

You can spritz or apply rose water after cleansing and or steaming your face, the rose water tightens capillaries, reduces redness and blotchiness.

First thing in the morning I like to put rose water on cotton wool and gently cleanse my face, it hydrates my dry skin and helps to moisturise especially around my eyes, reducing swelling and clears sleep from my eyes. Followed by a short massage of rose oil into my skin stimulating circulation and adding back moisture.

Rose is commonly used by women in skin and hair routines and more so in middle eastern countries.

Wearing rose oil lifts your spirit and connects with your heart energy encouraging feelings of self love/care and ability for more compassion.

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